Summer Classes, Art-A-Whirl And Springboard Sponsorship

I got a little love from the NEMAA Art-A-Whirl Edition of In Studio this year. It was a fun shoot, and I had an opportunity to show off my ink and my inky apron.


North Star Printmakers Studio has received fiscal sponsorship with 

Springboard for the Arts!

Thanks to the fearless and persistent leadership of our head honcho, Maura Williams, and the tenacity and generosity of our membership, we have finally begun to solidify our transition to non-profit, which means there are tons of big possibilities in store for our little renegade community print space.

Those of you familiar with the space and it’s history as a printmaking studio know it’s gone through some big changes in the last two years, including renaming and rebranding our outfit along with new and long-term initiatives to improve the space, repair equipment and build our course offerings to maximize community impact.

Members at North Star currently put their own time and energy in for free (I myself have put countless hours and dollars into getting classes off the ground). This space has the potential to be a terrific community print space - unlike anything else in the Twin Cities!  But we need your help. Consider giving to our GiveMN campaign today!

Course offerings at North Star for May and June

Screen Printing Posters:
Wednesday May 22, 5-9:30 PM

Screen Printing Shirts:
Saturday June 8, 1-4:30 PM

Screen Printing Posters:
Wednesday, June 19, 5-9:30 PM

Woodcut Class:
Saturday, June 22, 1-5 PM

Etching Class:
Saturday, June 29, 1-6PM

ART-A-WHIRL 2019!:  
Come see me at Casket Arts this weekend!
AAW is now officially the largest art crawl in the country - and North Star Printmakers Studio is right in the heart of it!

I will have TONS of work for sale:  Old, new, and loads of t-shirts - priced to SELL.  Plus fabulous print work of all current NSPS Members will be on display and for sale. We will have information on upcoming classes and big news to share regarding our new Non-Profit status.


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