Step By Step Award Winning Unicorn Head Assemblage!

Last year I made a giant Unicorn head for the Unicorn Art Show 4, a great annual event in Northeast Minneapolis.  

This was truly a labor of love, and to my shock it took home the Blue Ribbon.  All in all I think I worked on it a bit at a time for 3 months.

It all starts with cardboard, wire and duct tape obviously.

Once the structure is there, on with paper and wheat paste, reinforced with wood glue.

Lots and lots of layers before paint, and even then I have to revisit some spots with paper and paste.

Then I gotta figure out how to make the darned eyes glow on it. These LEDs are too hot.  I found some plug ins that did the trick in red.


I cut up a cheap wig for the mane.

And there is it with the ribbon.  I never would've guessed.

Then of course it got the obligatory T-shirt rendition:

Scoop it up here!


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