Puppetlab: Gradually Turning my Basement into a Post-Nuclear Forest

As I draw closer to completing my major building - I find my studio consumed by glowing detritus, stinking of wheat paste, and dotted with pockets of white fur.  The show goes up in less that two months so it is panic time as far as the "making" part of this goes.  Which is the part I like the best, I think.  The Full Moon show is January 29th at 9 at Open Eye!

Oh and because this hasn't been keeping me busy, I made a wiener pinata.

And because I had some extra time, I made these shirts via TRUSTEEZ and other stuff for my Etsy Store:

Here's some shots of the Bohemian Press show at Open Eye Theatre.

I'm going to bed.  Follow on Facebook and the social media places.


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