Help Out THE SACRED TRUST - Get Something In The Mail

It's only natural.  You're siting there thinking - "How in tarnation can I stay in the know about Brockman's art and creative endeavors without having to call him up and ask him what he's up to?"
It's a pesky, first world problem that everyone encounters.  I know it's frustrating.  But don't get all mad!  There's a few wonderful modern solutions to staying in the loop with whats happening in my studio, and at large.  As a creative being, I need a stage, an audience, objective eyeballs - and above all, I need your support.  I'm not asking for money.  Work is for purchase, commission, public projects - and whatever else - and you can see that at my WEBSITE.  Most everthing else (and there's A LOT) can be seen in the following places.  

A.) Check out my facebook page. SUBSCRIBE! (recent FB changes mean that page owners must PAY to promote their posts - and otherwise only a handful of people will actually see new posts in their feeds without subscribing.) I post everything except for actual work to that page.

B.) This very good web log, and the new SACRED TRUST tumblr, dedicated to "public works."

C.) Follow me on twitter, and definitely follow on instagram (@brockchop) - that's a pretty good way to stay in on the action.

And know that I am hip to the web manners.  I ALWAYS follow back.  I want to know what you're up to too.

Get a sample of stuff - check out the links to the right.

Option D).Just for my facebook followers: I only have 12 variations on these original postcards - one of which can be yours by helping me promote in any way.  Recommend me on FB, post links anywhere - show me how you've done it, send an address and I'll mail you an original postcard which looks a lot like this:


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