DAY 9: The Performative Print/Beyond the Sheet goes to a Warehouse: An Art Event

On the last day - we gathered in a warehouse in the Seward neighborhood to display and present the work accomplished over the three short weeks of May Term. Check the next post for some pictures of the final products, and videos of the projects that were screened. It was an amazing send off with screen printing, paper sculpture, samples of the street works, Super 8 and video screenings, a puppet show, glow in the dark rabbits, paper plane poems, and screen printed kites demonstrations. A pretty ambitious batch of accomplishments - not all visible here, but check back, and if anybody has pics email them to me at, and I'll throw em' up on here.

Some of Keiko's many accomplishments with paper.

Sarah presents her pronto plate collage stalker story book.

Keiko discusses her various pulp treasures.

Some of the glowing rabbits I was talking about.

We gathered early in the day to look at Fred's work, which resulted in a really amazing conceptual piece refelecting on words and the poetry of John Berryman. There's much more to it than that, but you can see more on his tumblr, and an upcoming final post.

Sam and Sarah - loadin' up!

Ben discusses his public sign project - designed to be taken from posts around the city.

Sam welded this from scrap - complete with screen storage printing table and QRabbit sticker.
He gave away the prints pictured below.

Sam's mobile screen press open to the public.

My light up heart embryo thing fell off.... facilitating a stop at Skol.

Erin's flag project, ready for emergence in the city.

Kieran's paper made of tshirts and actual glitter - which were then
tranformed into a Super 8 film inspired by .gif animations.

What an amazing experience. This was a first for us as teachers, and hopefully not the last. The work here reflects the ambition and hard work of a great group of students - and we hope it will be a big step in bridging personal studio practices and the world at large. This course was designed to introduce a variety of new approaches to printmaking and paper, and to foster an enriching creative experience in the print studio. That experience resulted in a number of personal and experimental artistic enterprises, many of which were really surprising - but each one drew from the spirit of interactivity, and were deeply rewarding to see come to fruition.

Thanks to a great class and to Laura and Terez.


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