Brockman's Fall Intro Printmaking!!!


I taught an intro Printmaking course this year, which focused on wood and linoleum relief printing, screen printing and digital processes.  Pictured below are some highlights from the term along with some student work.  We did an "Exquisite Serpent" pictured above, in which each student did a black and white section of the snake using as much of their screen as possible.  It was a good way to get them comfortable with the medium.  I also assigned a "Physical Print" or sculptural assignment, which took them many different directions in adapting the screen process as a means rather than an end.  Finally we had my regular term exchange, which this semester was themed "Moustache."  I developed the box and colophon, appropriating my friend Eric Bryson's mustache and trying my hand at some Farsi.

Student Work pictured: Tess Weinberg, Paige Kuhlman, Ryan Webert, Jeff Nelson, Natasha Sulaeman, Tasha Van Zant, Liz Miller, Andy Collins, Ben Farnam and Maneli Aygani (TA).  And me.

This course is offered in the spring term at the U.  To read more about these classes check this page:, and to see student from my past three classes and the short summer class I T.A.'d for Paula Marty check here: 1502 Student Work Fall 2010-Fall 2011.


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